What is Backhaul and why should you use it

In this article we will explain what Backhaul is and why it makes your email campaigns more efficient.

This article is relevant for: FD Live Professional

Backhaul is the easy and efficient way to run email marketing campaigns by creating lists of customers who are interested in a certain aspect of one or more events (program, atmosphere, actors, orchester, soloist,...).

Via your CRM Tools you can normally filter on different parameters like: Which events did a customer visit before? How often does he/she come? How much does she/he spend normally?

On the one hand what you can normally not filter is why somebody is visiting the event. Backhaul is segmenting your existing customers not just based on the events they visited before but also on why they visited them. The algorithm will create different Taste Clusters and will assign the customers based on their interests.

For example: Is the customer going to the event because of the atmosphere, artists, the orchestra or because of the program/author. In this way only people get the email which are really interested in the event which leads to less unsubscribing of newsletter, etc. Apart from that feedback from our current clients show that email marketing campaigns get more efficient by having a very high opening and/or link click rate.

On the other hand filtering customers can be very time consuming. Creating a Backhaul package takes you around 30 min including the waiting time of 15 min to create the package. It is fast and will for sure save you time.


If you want to know how you create a Backhaul package please check this article: How to create a package (customer list) in Backhaul.

For the advanced settings for Backhaul please check this article: Advanced settings in Backhaul