How to create a package (customer lists) in Backhaul

This article shows you how to create a package (customer lists) in Backhaul

Step 1: Navigate to Backhaul in the WebApp

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Step 2: click on Create new package

Step 3: choose the events which should be promoted and click on "Next step"

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Please note: The more events you choose the smaller the number of customers in the package will be.

Why? Because customers which will be in the package afterwards have to be interested in aspects of all those events or at least most of the events depending on which mode (inclusive or selective) you choose in the next step.


Step 4: Choose selective or inclusive mode. A description of each mode can be found in the WebApp.

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Step 5: If necessary add advanced settings. Detailed information regarding this section can be found in the following article: Advanced settings in Backhaul

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Step 6: Once the mode is selected and all necessary settings have been done click on "Next step"

Step 7: Look at the summary and check if everything is correct. If yes, click on "Build Package"

Step 8: Get a coffee or a tea as you have to wait now for 10-15 minutes

Step 9: Once the status in the overview changed from "In progress" to "Done" you will see how many customers are in the package in the column "Customers". To see the Taste Clusters click on the package

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Status for Backhaul and meaning:

Done: Creation of package has been successful

In progress: Creation of package is currently ongoing

Failed: Something went wrong. Please try again or contact your Customer Success Manager

Expired: Due to data protection laws your package will expire after 28 days - you can always regenerate the package by clicking on the package > the Taste clusters in the package > "Regenerate audience"


Step 10: Merging: This step is only necessary if you are creating more packages at the same time and you want to avoid that the same customers receive more than one email as they might be in different packages.

By merging duplicates will be eliminated and if a customer would be in two or more packages he or she would stay only in the package which is more likely to be interesting for her or him.

It can be done by marking the events you want to merge and clicking on the button marked with the red square in the screenshot below.

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Step 11: In the package you see the different Taste clusters with topic recommendations, depending on which aspect of the events the customers are interested in. By clicking on them and then "Download customer list" you can download your customer lists for each Taste cluster in a csv file. 

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Step 12: You can now work with the lists in your CRM Tool and send out the emails to the corresponding clients.


Important information and useful tips:

  • The emails sent to the customers of each list should be adapted to the topic recommendations of the corresponding Taste Cluster
  • In the Taste Cluster you will also find some additional information which might be useful to send the emails in the right tone and with the right timing like:
    • order value
    • ticket value
    • days in advanced purchased
    • yearly visits
    • which events have been taken more into consideration when creating the package (Top events)
  • The following customers will be excluded by default:
    • customers who bought a ticket for a similar or the same event in the last/current season or for an event in the next 6 months.
    • customers who are not allowed to receive emails (IMPORTANT: only if we receive this information from you with the daily data upload - if not you have to exclude those customers by yourself!)
    • every other exclusion has to be done through the advanced settings (see Step 5) or through your CRM tool