Different Attribution Models on Web App

This article is relevant for: All subscriptions

The term "attribution model" refers to a framework for evaluating campaign results. To compare different outcomes based on the model and method of calculating campaign results, Future Demand provides the option to choose between three attribution models in the web application.


  • Live Attribution (FD Live Professional, FD Live Select)

The Live Attribution model calculates the number of tickets sold, revenue, cost per order, and ROI generated by the campaign. It also transfers key metrics for the campaign from Meta: ad spend, impressions, number of ads, clicks, and the number of taste clusters.
For more information about the FD Live Attribution model, click here:
How does the Future Demand Attribution Model work?

How does Future Demand calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)?

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  • Meta Attribution Model (FD Professional, FD Select, Prisma)

When using the Meta Attribution model, you only see the metrics transferred from Meta to the web application: ad spend, impressions, number of ads, clicks (all), and the number of taste clusters.
If you have connected a pixel or conversion API to your Meta account, results (ROI, revenue, purchases) will also be displayed in the web app's evaluation.

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  • External Attribution Model (FD Professional, FD Select, Prisma)

If an external attribution model is selected, users will not see campaign evaluation results, as an external attribution model means that users rely on another company or application to track and evaluate campaign results. Since Future Demand does not receive this data, the campaign results are not visible in the web application.

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  • How can the attribution model be selected?

Users can select an attribution model in the Settings section. In this case, the selected attribution model will be applied to the evaluation of all campaigns.

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Users can also choose between the given attribution models on the campaign level by going to the Wave section, selecting a single campaign, and clicking on the "..." in the upper right corner. In this case, the selected attribution model will be applied to that specific campaign.

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