How to change Taste Cluster creation to ITC2

This article is relevant for: All subscriptions

Based on the ongoing and close collaboration with users has produced a unique additional option for Taste Clusters.

Thanks to advances in AI to better understand text, we have been able to develop a new version of Taste Clusters that can understand up to 2500 characters to describe your event, or any other service or offer you want to promote.  

ITC2 is available to all of our users on an opt-in basis or set as default.  If you discover sub-par topic recommendations while setting up your campaign, or you want to run a campaign for something other than a regular concert, theatre or opera performance or if you don't have a lot of information of artists and program, ITC2 will likely improve your campaign. It is also quite useful if the focus is on the atmosphere rather then on the artists and/or program, as you can describe the atmosphere in the description text together with other important information.

You can upgrade any campaign in Wave to ITC2 (Preview) before starting the setup, just click on the three dots next to "Available Taste Clusters", update the details and wait a few minutes. You will receive notification on the bottom left side of the screen "New Taste Cluster is being regenerated" when the campaign is upgraded to ITC2 (Preview).  This can take up to 10 minutes to generate.

We see up to 50% improvement in campaign performance. As a rule of thumb, the less the artist/setlist logic fits to properly describe your event/campaign, the more positive impact ITC2 (Preview) will most likely have.


ATTENTION: Once changed to ITC2 Taste Cluster can not be changed back to ITC (original way to create Taste Cluster). You would have to create a new campaign or event to have the Taste Cluster created via ITC again.