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What is a Taste Cluster and what does it mean for audience targeting and creative

Future Demand's Taste Cluster technology enables the segmentation of customers based on their interests, rather than relying on unreliable demographic data.

This article is relevant for: All subscriptions

A key component of our technology is a unique new way of targeting customers. Instead of trying to group people based on their interests - a near-impossible task due to the heterogeneity of our interests. Our technology groups people's interests directly, allowing us to see which topics are meaningful and drive demand, and to model the diversity of people's tastes.

This is more effective than traditional clustering approaches because your audience generally come from all social classes and age groups. Taste does not correlate with social demographics.

Our privacy-focused Taste Cluster technology uses the interests of different customer groups to target them. The technology is GDPR compliant and, to a significant extent, more efficient than any best-practice approach using individual, personalised data.  

Future Demand's platform creates addressable audiences and defines their key interests in a particular event. This could be the members of a band, a feature of the venue, the danceability of the music or any other interest related to a product you have. Our platform uses hundreds of taste and interest-based characteristics to describe Taste Clusters and calculates them for each of our clients.

Put simply, our Taste Cluster technology identifies WHY fans are interested in specific concerts, events, hotel stays or any other product making it easier to target interested audiences to buy tickets or a product through your campaigns.