What can be changed in the web application for an active campaign?

What can be changed for an active campaign?

User can change:

  • Language
  • Primary Text
  • Headline
  • Media: you can exchange images, but cannot add some more (If you added only one image in one Taste Cluster, one image can be replaced by another image or video, but it is not possible to add the second image or video)
  • Destination URL
  • Description
  • Enable/ Disable add variations
  • You can add new Taste Clusters (if there are more available) and more budget to a running campaign 

User cannot change:

  • Marketing goal (tickets/impressions/ROI)
  • Runtime (can be change by the client on Meta, extension of the runtime increases the budget of the campaign)
  • Call to action
  • Audience (Normally client can select a custom audience you have previously created in Meta's ad platform, but when Taste Cluster Technology was selected while activating the campaign, it will be not possible to switch from TC to custom audience)
  • Location (You can make changes, e.g. add more postal codes, when postal codes, where used in location option. But, once postal codes are selected by the client and the campaign is active, client can not change to City or FD Smart Location)
  • The number of available Taste Clusters (can be added manually by FD-Team)
  • The art of Taste Clusters (ITC, ITC2)