How to work with Sentinel

This article is relevant for: FD Live Professional

Sentinel makes it easy to search your data using natural language. Need a list of customers, event details, or transactions? Just ask, and Sentinel will find it for you instantly and provide you the option to download the results.

It’s simple to use, saves you time waiting for colleagues' responses or searching through multiple data sources, and empowers you to make data-driven decisions without needing a data specialist.

How does it work?

1. Write a question in the search field.

2. Select the category your question is related to (customer/transaction/event). - Important: You can not ask for two categories at the same time, for example customers and transactions.

3. Click on 'Ask'.

4. In query summary you can see the filters applied or the original SQL request as well as the number of total results for more transparency.


5. The system will provide you the list you asked for. In given example 'The list of customers who bought a ticket for an event for the first time between January and July 2024, but not purchased any further tickets afterwards'.

6. You can save the question or export the CSV file. 

7. You can click on the single line in the list the system provided you with to get more detailed information. Here you can find customer details visited events and custom properties and copy entries if needed. 



8. Total and average values - We display aggregated and average values for event outcomes (columns: capacity, price category) and transaction outcomes (columns: sold price, ground price, and discount) using a toggle button above the table view. By default, the aggregation option is pre-selected, allowing users to switch between total and average at any time, with the results updating dynamically.


Relevant information:

  • You can only ask Sentinel to show a list of either customers, events, or transactions at a time, and it won't compute any results, such as averages or other calculations (e.g., the average discount for all events in the past three months). Additionally, you can only select one outcome at a time, meaning you cannot combine customers, events, and transactions in a single query.
  • After Sentinel has executed your question and the data has been loaded, you will see the result in a tabular format. You can review your data or export it as a CSV file. If you want more detailed information, click on a specific entry to open a side panel where you can browse additional details.
  • Need more insight or an updated dataset? You can click the 'Ask Again' button or modify your question and the system will re-query and update the data. You can also save your question to run it again in the future and keep track of important insights.
  • Try to be as specific as possible in your wording. It has to be clear for the Tool what you want to achieve.
  • You can save questions and review them later.

Examples of questions you can ask:

  • Give me a list of customers who have purchased less than four tickets for events taking place in 2024.
  • What are the three events with the highest average discount in the last three months?
  • Give me a list of customers who bought a ticket for an event for the first time between January and July 2024 but did not purchase any more tickets afterward.