How are individual performances grouped into event series and how to set up campaigns for a series
This article is relevant for: All subscriptions
Often productions are performed several times. And when performances are within a short timeframe, campaigns should take this into account.
FD automatically groups shows into event series based on event name, venue, cast and set list. This helps identify the impact of online marketing campaigns on sales and many other use cases. Typically the limits set on the timeframe in which these shows are considered part of the series are 20 days before and after the selected event. If you come across an instance where this is not sufficient or does not meet your understanding, please contact us.
For performances of the same production (same name, venue and setlist) within this timeframe, it is best practice to run only one campaign. To make the most of Future Demand automation, we recommend running campaigns for the last day of the series if it is not more than 15 weeks in the future.
Most promoters see the best results by linking to an event overview page with a list of dates (rather than directly to the ticket shop) when there are more than two dates. For productions with two dates, we recommend linking to both seating plans within one campaign.
The pre-populated description field, but also the primary text, can be used to inform audiences of the nature of the campaign and that there are multiple performances within a defined time period.
Please be aware that the total number of tickets sold through the campaign may exceed the actual number of tickets sold due to possible cancellations.