Which data points are necessary to enable full functionality?

An overview of the required data inputs

In order to properly process the information surrounding the transaction data, the data provided must meet the following requirements or contain information: 

Transactional systems

(from ticketing and merch systems)

Event information 

  • Event ID
  • Date 
  • Time 
  • Title
  • Capacity
  • City
  • Venue 
  • Hall/Hall

Further Sales Data

  • Ticket category (regular, VIP or similar, subscription) 
  • Date & time of purchase 
  • Sales price 
  • Base price 
  • Currency 
  • Invoice number

Customer data

  • Customer ID
  • Salutation*/**
  • First Name*/**
  • Last Name*/**
  • Street*/**
  • House number*/**
  • Post code*/**
  • Email address*/**
  • Ad opt Out*/** (mark for customers who should not receive emails)

* = not necessary for WAVE and LOOKOUT
** = recommended for BACKHAUL 

Program information

(TheaSoft, OPAS, et al.)

Event information 

  • Event ID
  • Date 
  • Time
  • Venue/Hall
  • Participating artists and their role (band, soloist, orchestra, director…)
  • Works (including authors, composers)

How we merge data sources

In order to combine data from different sources, we utilize three specific data points:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Venue/Hall

If there are variations in these three data points, it can result in the absence of important transactional or programmatic information.


If you have any question please contact the Data Integration Team or your Customer Success Manager.