Currency Conversion for Campaign Budgets


This article is relevant for: All subscriptions

Some of our clients publish campaigns for multiple international organisations. Each account in the Web App has one available currency (e.g., USD). However, users may need to publish a campaign for a client using an ad account with a different currency, such as EUR. To ensure the campaign is published successfully, the campaign budget must match the ad account’s currency. If users select a budget in a different currency (e.g., USD as a currency of the web application), we automatically convert it to match the ad account’s currency.


How It Works

During campaign setup, users choose the amount they want to spend in the currency they set as default in the web app account (e.g., USD).

But on the campaign summary page, the final budget will be displayed in the ad account’s currency (e.g., EUR).



The converted amount is the maximum we will spend for this campaign. This conversion is only for setting the budget in the ad account’s currency. There is NO actual conversion of any money, and no additional fees will apply.